Long hikes and beautiful falls. Natural clay and minnows. Ancient ruins and new guests. Only in a Mexican Jungle.
We woke with the roosters living close by and headed for breakfast. Soon after our friendly driver Olisio met us and introduced us to Victor, the young indigenous boy who would be taking us on our day hike through the jungle. We began the hike walking though a beautiful archway of wines with red flowers. We walked up hills, across rivers, over rocks with Victor explaining the names and purposes of certain plants along the way. We saw three different ruins that were built well over 2,000 years ago. Victor said they would have been homes to about 3 or 4 ancient families. Based on the location and construction, they appeared to have belonged to wealthy families within their time.
After the hike we came to one of the most beautiful waterfalls I have ever seen. Flowing crystal water with small queries surrounded by beautiful greenery with butterflies... and other little bugs... flying around. Victor bent down and grabbed a handful of natural clay and told us we could use it as a natural exfoliant. Next thing we knew we were all laughing and covered in mud, and he was right, smooth as a babies bum!
Victor, Lynne and I climbed up the waterfall and crawled through a cave until we reached the top. From there we could look down on the others swimming and resting in the sun, we took a few moments and just sat there taking it all in. This must be how it feels to be at the top of the world. To our left we noticed a small house with a man swinging in a hammock between two trees, the way one might have lived hundreds of years ago. Dressed in his traditional flowing,
We returned home after a full day of hiking, swimming and exploring and took some time before dinner to rest. I napped in the hammock, Chrissy did some reading and writing and Lynne drew a picture of me swinging. Life here seems simple and peaceful, it’s something I believe everyone should experience in their lifetime.
I still can not believe I'm here.
hmmmm.. jealous.. yes i will admit a little bit forsure.
ReplyDeleteI read this blog and put myself in this beautful picture in my mind, trying to imagine myself there and instantly feeling relaxed. I love nature, I love the peace and tranquility of it, how every little peace of it is so rare and perfect and unique in it's own way.
It is like its own person, talking how it wants to and when and then easily transforming into a thousand people working together to build something truly magnificent.
I have been watching the kids the last two weeks, and being a huge part of their everyday life, they have become quite comfortable with me, I can soothe them btoh when they are crying and upset, I can care for them both and they feel enough love and support that they are always coming back for more.
I am one person that wasn't a very big part of their lifes, but when I was they always came to be wiht open arms, never fussed and rarely cried. I can only imagine what there little minds are going through, but I am glad that I can be helping them through this part of their life's and that they realize I will be there for them through thick and thin for the rest of their life's no doubt about it.
I wish with all my heart that I could turn back time and be able to go on this trip wiht you guys, but I know that as much as I wanted to go, I needed to be at home. Your blogs make me jealous and your pictures make me envious, but that is not something I want to take out on you guys, it is just something I have to deal with.
If I was to have stayed, my mind would not have been as open and would not have absorbed any of the magnifcent things you are telling me about in your blogs, I couldn't have even come close. I want to go on this adventure, but in ways, the adventure I have been on has a been just as beautiful and just as amazing. We have had tears, we have had anger, we have had guilt, and we have had smiles. And I can almost guarantee that you have experienced all of those things on your adventure aswell. So in one way we were totally apart, but in others we were so close it was unbelievable.
p.s. funny point, everytime I type adventure I think of the movie "UP" and giigle. and if someone hasn't seen that movie, they need to watch it asap!!