Traditional forms of journalism are changing and technology is shaping it’s future. Every day we see more headlines about the death of the newspaper, which may be true, but nowhere do we see the death of journalism.
This is because news is becoming easily accessible and consumed online. However, information found on the web must be absorbed with caution. Content floods the World Wide Web, and with blogging and the amount of citizen journalism being produced, you must pay attention to the accountability and credibility of the author and the site.
With the increases in citizen journalism, the works of trained journalists are being diminished and journalistic values aren’t as important. As long as the word is out there, it’s enough. Right? Wrong!
When people read something, they believe it’s true. Is it bias, is it balanced, is it accurate? These are important questions that must be asked before writing anything for publication, questions that citizen journalists and other writers who have not been properly trained may overlook.
This site takes journalism and mixes in appropriation of technology to best serve the public. We encourage engagement and interactivity. In the past, it was a privilege to access the news and only the rich read newspapers. With putting news online, everyone can have access to it 24/7. Online journalism used traditional values with updated technology to best serve you, the public. We are going to use the web to connect and exchange information. Instead of simply sharing opinions, we will share knowledge. This site encourages active communication. Our goal is to strengthen voices, share experiences and contribute to the education of those around us by using traditional values with updated technology.
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helllooo michellee :)
ReplyDeleteGreat job Michelle and Great points
Thank you!! Learned it all from one of Robs great lectures.
ReplyDeleteI agree with journalism being more accessible and 24/7 but with that comes responsibility. With having newspapers be 24/7 up to date online news, you have to keep the integrity and quality of writing up or journalism and all the credibility it has worked hard to get will crumble. With faster news can come faster errors. The fact checking has to still be accurate. Although the direction of news is exciting and new, the integrity of a paper should never waver.