Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Letter from the Editor
Over the past week we have met with people involved in international development from different standpoints to discuss issues and elements involved and get an understanding of how they work.
Different issues include international development, education, NGO’s, charities, mission work and government involvement. We also met with members of local NGOs and charitable organizations in the Belleville community to learn about local and international involvement from their perspective.
All of this information will be available to you within the next week using multiple forms of media as well as multimedia.
Keep checking the site for up-dates!
Think -G lo c a l -
Friday, May 22, 2009
International Support Worker program new to Loyalist College
A glimpse at the ISW program
A program outline has gone to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to seek approval of a new International Support Worker program that is to begin in September of 2010.
The ISW program is a one year post graduate course where students will have classes in travel safety, dispute resolution, impact of global economy, developmental issues, industry, clean water, education, health, human security and conversational Spanish.
Cudmore says the post graduate program is “unique in the province and maybe even unique in the country.”
Gary Warren, founder of non-profit organization Quest International and Loyalist College professor, has been working in co-operation with numerous local and international NGO’s to create an appropriate program outline for this course.
Warren has been involved with NGO’s and international development for over 40 years and spent four years living in Mexico while working in the field. With Warren’s work experience and association with local and international NGO’s, he became aware of the gap in the skill set of people working in the field.
The course curriculum was designed based on meetings with people around the province and in Mexico to ensure ISW students gain an appropriate level of learning outcomes at a post graduate level.
The program is based on experiential learning and students will spend 3 to 4 weeks of the second semester in Chiapas, Mexico as well as participate in a 3 week internship.
“From an educational standpoint, we would be using Mexico as our lab,” Cudmore says. “It’s a program that would be very applicable in the subcontinent of development work anywhere, in India, in Africa... work in our own backyard and in remote areas of our own country.”
Every year participants of Quest Internacional travel to Cuernavaca and Chiapas, Mexico with Warren as an educational experience to learn about social justice issues and community development. Warren says the ISW program will be largely based on the same values and will have the same learning experiences as Quest.
Cudmore says the academic management team has given the approval for the standards of the post graduate ISW program. Next the program will have to receive full approval from the validation service and numerous levels of funding.
Warren says because there is international travel involved, it will be a more expensive then most post-graduate programs. Cudmore says he is enthusiastic and confident the ISW program will exceed the standards and will receive all levels of necessary funding for it to proceed.
Break down of expenses for ISW program
Thursday, May 21, 2009
My thoughts are with you.

The actions of Michael Thomas C.S. Rafferty and Terri-Lynne McClintic will neither be forgotten nor looked upon lightly.
Although we cannot change what has been done, let us pray that justice will be served and Tori will be frightened no more.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Mission valuable?
Religious organizations send members of their church to work on projects abroad, on what they call mission trips, but what is the purpose of their missions?
The controversial issue with mission trips is although their intentions may be positive, their efforts may not always leave a positive effect on the communities involved. When churches take part in mission trips yes, they are contributing to our global community, yes they are helping people, yes they are donating their money and time, but they also have a hidden agenda; to convert.
The main purpose of a mission trip is to spread the word of God. People travel the world doing good deeds in the name of God trying to gain followers and supporters. But do these people not already have their own beliefs and religions?
North Americans show up, act like do-gooders in the name of God and get people to convert their entire faith, simply because the white people say so? It seems a little like bribery. You believe in our God, and we will give you food.
Many people may not have looked at the work of mission trips from this perspective before, because the people involved are good people with good intentions. They believe they are doing good work but at what cost?
In some countries faith, religion and God are the foundations in which entire cultures have been based. To take that away from them is insulting. And although foreigners may realize this, it is a lot easier to take the food and change your faith then to send your children to bed hungry.
Also, when people come in and start trying to convert people to new faiths there will still be those who choose not to follow. Now, the community is divided based on faith and religious belief. The conversion of half the community has created a separation between them and created conflict.
Who has this right?
Another point that must be raised; often people working on the projects do not have the necessary level of experience and skill to make their efforts worthwhile and their dollars could have been spent more wisely. It costs thousands of dollars to send people on mission trips and conduct these projects, but do they really know what they are doing?
How many people know how to properly build a school? And who asked if the people in that small village in Guatemala if they wanted one anyways? Perhaps all they wanted was for us to help buy them animals so they can start a farm in order to survive. The thousands of dollars spent in air fare alone could have done this for them.
The problem is, 9 times out of 10, the people involved don’t have enough experience and are sometimes distracted by the real purpose of their mission, which is to convert.
In light of the big picture, their efforts may be pure but sometimes their efforts can turn out quite sour.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
What’s your charity of choice?
Many people argue it is the government’s responsibility to strengthen the requirements for non-profit and charitable organizations. Others say it is the responsibility of individuals to guarantee the organization they are can be held accountable.
Gary Warren, founder of Quest Internacional, says the only way to guarantee the legitimacy of an organization is for people to be well informed about the organization and the people involved before making any contributions.
Warren has been involved in international development and numerous non-profit organizations for over 20 years, and says it is easy for organizations to mislead the public and money can easily go missing.
“All I needed to give [the government] was a piece of paper with a signature of the accountant who checked them,” he says. “ That was it, not even a record of where the money went, only a signature of the accountant who checked the books.”
This can be problematic. Imagine the accountant of a corrupt organization is a personal friend of the members involved, how difficult would it be to slip them a bill and get them to sign the books? Off to the government they go, no problems and the money is gone into the pockets of the wrong people.
Warren says it is not difficult for people to found non-profit organizations and says he has seen many go sour, which is why he founded his own.
“It is important to find organizations you trust, with a cause you support,” he says. Once you have done so, stick with them. When dealing with NGO’s and charities, it is far to simple to mislead the public and it can be common for money to go missing, depending on the organization.
As for the government’s role, demanding they strengthen policies for NGO’s and charities may seem like an obvious decision, but then who is going to make sure people are properly following these new standards? It is like a business, or personal taxes, the government has protocols people are suppose to follow, and they have people trying to catch those who don’t, but how many people a year still cheat on their taxes?
Warren says this is not the solution. If people are going to steal, they are going to continue stealing even if the government makes it harder.
The people who would suffer are those who are running legitimate and accurate organizations. People would have to spend more time keeping books and doing office work and would have less time to spend in the field working on their cause.
Also, if we ask the government to monitor different NGO’s and charities, how far do we allow them to interfere? Do we give them the right to appoint which countries we work in and which projects we do?
Although corrupt organizations do exist out there does not mean they all fall in this category. Regardless of the structure, finding an organization that you trust is the only way to guarantee legitimacy. Know the board members, volunteer, get involved.
Friday, May 15, 2009
48 hours to end a decades-old war?
The military was still battling Friday to gain complete control of the country's coastline, a slice of which is still occupied by the LTTE. The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has also sent his chief of staff, Vijay Nambiar, to help bring the conflict to a peaceful conclusion.
However, UN spokesman Gordon Weiss says there are still 50,000 to 100,000 civilians remaining inside the combat zone and their safety must still be secured. And although there is only a small slice of coastline still occupied by the TTLE, who can guarantee their defeat?
There are no journalists or media representatives allowed near the war zone, and so, the only news of the situation is being delivered through government and military voices.
Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama told The Associated Press that Sri Lankan soldiers were probably fighting their final battle against the remaining rebel fighters and reports indicate relatives of top rebel leaders are starting to flee the war zone.
“Probably” fighting their final battle? They ‘probably’ thought that’s what they were doing ten, twenty years ago.
With LTTE members and supports fleeing their legend lives on and the opportunity of a similar uproar in the future seems very achievable. LTTE leaders have told the media their defeat will not come so easily. They have said if there demands are not achieved, they will continue to fight.
So how can we say when it’s really over?
Thursday, May 14, 2009
We have a facebook account!
Think Glocal Facebook Page
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Sympathy is not what they're after
-Bev Oda, Minister of International Co-operation, Sun Media
As protesters waved red Tamil Tiger flags in the air, their message was misconstrued.
Their efforts were not to radiate what Bev Oda calls sympathy but to generate action. They were demanding the Canadian Government intervene and help put an end to the war.
The people of Tamil are at a point of desperation. For decades the people have been at conflict with the government and innocent civilians have been murdered in a war that is beyond their control.
The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam are extremists who claim to fight against genocide, oppression, and state terrorism pursued by the Sinhala-dominated Sri Lankan government. Although this group fights for liberation and independence of the people, their methods are violent, and thus have been declared a terrorist organization in 32 countries.
Although the Tiger flag was raised, million’s of Tamils stay neutral and choose not to support this organization nor the government. They support the people and what they were asking for was not sympathy. Sympathy is a feeling of pity or sorrow for those suffering, pity is insulting. Sympathy will not put a country at peace nor will it generate positive change. Sympathy is a feeling not an action. It can come with the day and be forgotten by night.
What the Tamil protestors want is something permanent and tangible. They want help. Sympathy is not what anyone is after- it is productivity.
Perhaps their protesting measures were extreme but so is the situation. Their country has been in turmoil and devastation for over a quarter of a century and at last they refuse to be silenced.
Desperation drives protests
When more than 2,000 Tamil demonstrators began taking over Toronto's Gardiner Expressway and protesting on University Ave., they were asking for one thing: support.
Their goal was not to win the hearts of politicians or spread joy throughout the streets of Toronto. Tamil protesters acknowledged the public anger they caused by their protests and the blockage of Toronto's Gardiner Expressway but said their actions won political results for their community.
They remained boisterous but peaceful, as they asked to be acknowledged and for the government to notice their cries for help and intervene in the decades-long civil war in Sri Lanka.
Ghormy Theva, spokesman for the Coalition to Stop The War In Sri Lanka, said protesters are becoming “desperate” over the situation in Sri Lanka. About 200,000 Tamils live in the Greater Toronto area, and it is home to the largest Tamil community outside Sri Lanka. Every day these people must read and watch the news about their people being killed. More than 70,000 lives have been taken in what one commenter calls the ignorance of the world.
If this was happening to our people and yet the government did nothing, would we demand support?
A student at York University said she didn’t understand how Canada can’t see the importance of this cause. Protestor Genit Jeyakanthan, says Canada has taken leadership roles in situations like this before and they need to do it now. “They need to take action.”
These protests may have angered politicians and thousands of Torontonians, but the event received national coverage and informed people across Ontario the war in Sri Lanka and its severity. Their actions may not have been the best way to grab positive attention from the city, but it allowed for their voices to be heard, which is a start in the right direction.
Related Links:
Tamils pledge to stay put
Monday, May 11, 2009
Media is in a temporary crisis.

Traditional forms of journalism are changing and technology is shaping it’s future. Every day we see more headlines about the death of the newspaper, which may be true, but nowhere do we see the death of journalism.
This is because news is becoming easily accessible and consumed online. However, information found on the web must be absorbed with caution. Content floods the World Wide Web, and with blogging and the amount of citizen journalism being produced, you must pay attention to the accountability and credibility of the author and the site.
With the increases in citizen journalism, the works of trained journalists are being diminished and journalistic values aren’t as important. As long as the word is out there, it’s enough. Right? Wrong!
When people read something, they believe it’s true. Is it bias, is it balanced, is it accurate? These are important questions that must be asked before writing anything for publication, questions that citizen journalists and other writers who have not been properly trained may overlook.
This site takes journalism and mixes in appropriation of technology to best serve the public. We encourage engagement and interactivity. In the past, it was a privilege to access the news and only the rich read newspapers. With putting news online, everyone can have access to it 24/7. Online journalism used traditional values with updated technology to best serve you, the public. We are going to use the web to connect and exchange information. Instead of simply sharing opinions, we will share knowledge. This site encourages active communication. Our goal is to strengthen voices, share experiences and contribute to the education of those around us by using traditional values with updated technology.
Related Links:
J-schools more vital than ever
Friday, May 8, 2009

The purpose of this publication is to inform its viewers about world issues. The main content will feature NGO’s and profiles on the different people involved. It will include stories on different organizations -what they are doing, why it is important and what they hope to achieve- as well as articles on the issues themselves. It will include links to different non-profit organizations and will be an efficient way for people to tune in and learn more about our world, the people in it and the issues they face.